- Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Adrian (Padurean) Palmer
- Frequency: Bi-Monthly
- Contact e-mail: editorinchief@21stcenturypathology.com
- Publishing Formats: pdf and HTML
- Journal Contact: editor@21stcenturypathology.com
Who we are?
21st century pathology is a scholarly international, open access, peer-reviewed journal. Open access will be granted to all published articles from each issue of the journal. These papers will be featured on the journal’s website and readers can read and download them free of charge.
Aim and Scope
Journal of 21st Century Pathology (J21CP) points at fast distribution of high quality works, whereas maintaining the process of peer-review. All acknowledged papers will be shown online immediately. Journal of 21st Century Pathology empowers manuscript submission related to (but not restricted to) all the areas of pathology.
Publishing Areas: General Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Hematopathology, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Veterinary Pathology, Anatomical Pathology, Dermatopathology, Renal Pathology, Forensic Pathology, Ethnophyto Pathology, Molecular Pathology.
About The Journal of 21st Century Pathology
Journal of 21st Century Pathology is an open access, peer reviewed journal, which publishes articles biannually. It aims to publish the concurrent research trends in all the fields related to pathology. J 21Century Pathol is dedicated to the publication of pathology research works and accepts suitable articles pertaining to the pathology and its related divisions.
Authors must prepare their articles according to the appropriate international publication recommendations, including the STROBE Statement, CONSORT 2010 Statement, PRISMA 2009 Checklist, and CARE Checklist–2016.
Articles published in 21st Century Pathology must undergo rigorous cross-international peer review. In order to ensure fairness and credibility of the peer review, our peer reviewers come from various countries, selected independently through artificial intelligence techniques or our editorial office and not by the authors.
Designation of co-first authors and/or co-corresponding authors is not permitted. We accept a manuscript for publication based on its novelty, innovativeness, data accuracy, image reliability, clear language expression, and ethical requirements.
Note that, within 7 days, peer reviewers are recommended to complete their peer review, including a thorough assessment of the scientific and linguistic content of the manuscript.
At last, the peer review report, author’s response to the peer review report, biostatistics review certificate, copyright license agreement, institutional ethics committee approval document, informed consent document(s), conflict-of-interest statement, CrossCheck detection report, authors’ personal ORCID numbers, funding information, language editing certificate, and other relevant documents will be published online along with the article to allow for an open and transparent publishing process.
- Editorial Board Members

Dr. Adrian (Padurean) Palmer
Medical Director, Mercy Hospital, Inc. Miami, USA

Dr. Jason Hipp
Chair, Division of Computational Pathology & AI, Laboratory Medicine & Pathology at Mayo Clinic , Director, Digital Innovation, Mayo Clinic Labs, USA

Professor. Cristina Magi-Galluzzi
Director of Anatomic Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Professor. Jun Fukuoka
Professor & Chair, Department of Pathology, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Chair, Department of Pathology, Kameda Medical Center, President, The Japanese Society of Digital Pathology, Japan

Professor. Frank Staal
Full professor of Molecular Stem Cell biology at Leiden University School of Medicine (LUMC), co-director of the LUMC Flow Cytometry Core Facility (FCF), The Netherlands

Professor. Lan Bo Chen
Professor of Pathology Emeritus, Harvard University, USA